About one fifth of Finland’s emissions come from transport, which makes the sector’s emission reductions an important contributor to the carbon neutrality target. The Finnish government has decided to cut transport emissions in half by 2030 (compared to 2005 levels) and to eliminate emissions by 2045.
The government’s goal of halving emissions from traffic by 2030 is achievable with determined measures, the roadmap for the logistics and transport sector shows. The roadmap examines the emission reduction measures to meet the government target by covering domestic road, water and rail transport in Finland.
The roadmap has been produced in cooperation between Service Sector Employers Palta, Finnish Freight Forwarding and Logistics Association, Finnish Information Centre of Automobile Sector, Association of Logistic Enterprises in Finland, Finnish Public Transport Association, Finnish Bus Association, and Intelligent Transportation Society of Finland – ITS Finland.

A combination of measures can accomplish the targeted emission reductions, with the principal ones being: accelerated replacement of old cars with new (electric) cars, public transport and sustainable modes of transport in cities, renewable fuels, sustainable transport services and, finally, digitalisation and infrastructural investments in the transport system. The roadmap states that incentives and investments are a demand from both the logistics and transport sector and also the government to maintain industry competitiveness.
Low-emission transport solutions, particularly those using information technology, have major export potential as assessed in the roadmap. Finland has the potential to develop, implement and subsequently export such solutions by combining strong technological know-how, experience from successful start-ups in the field of logistics and the availability of critical raw materials needed for the manufacturing of batteries.