About us

About us

Palta builds the prerequisites for a successful and thriving service sector. We work for the sustainable reformation of working life, new opportunities of renewal for businesses and sustainable international growth of the service sector.

Our goals

Sustainably reforming working life

  • Palta creates prerequisites for the competitive strength of the service sector. Palta promotes new models of working to increase employment and create alternative and diverse career paths.

Building new opportunities of renewal for businesses

  • Palta makes space for digitalisation and new revenue models. Palta encourages businesses to invest in the future.

Expediting sustainable and international growth

  • Palta raises awareness of the globalisation of the service economy as well as the prerequisites and opportunities of sustainable economy. Palta acts as a sounding board for businesses planning to take a leap of growth.

Our key means of engagement

  • Employment and working life
    Increasing employment and developing and sustainably renewing working life.
  • Education and competence
    Developing competence based on the needs of working life and finding new solutions for elevating the level of competence.
  • Digitalisation
    Promoting innovative activities and digitalisation across the service sector.
  • Internationality and growth
    Promoting the international growth of the service trade.
  • Sustainable development
    Responding to climate change: services can help considerably reduce emissions and generate value through low-emission means.
  • EU
    Developing the internal market of the EU to ensure that EU policy supports the competitive strength of businesses and ensures free mobility of services.

What we do

We are a powerful labour market operator: we are involved in negotiating around half of all Finnish collective agreements. We want to create a competitive labour market for Finland. We reform working life and promote the determination of the terms of employment company- and workplace-specifically.

We offer practical help and advice to our members on a range of matters, including HR and employment relationships. We provide information, training and all the latest updates on labour law.

We ensure that the voice of the service sector is heard by our political decision makers and in the broader debate. We communicate to a variety of audiences: we raise our sector’s profile and diversify the image of the sector.

We generate new information for our member businesses on the latest developments in the service sector, foreign trade of services, economic trends and the labour market. We offer opportunities and working groups for networking and for sparring partners for our members.

Paltan kuvituskuva

As a member, you get access to full range of our services

Palta offers its members various services that make everyday life easier. We provide advice, training and consultation related to collective agreements and labour law. We influence national decision-making to ensure optimal prerequisites for the sustainable growth and success of the service sector in Finland.