For Media
On this page, you can find Palta’s press releases, logos, media images and media contact persons. We will be happy to answer any questions related to Palta or the service sector. Our experts are available for both interviews and informative purposes.
Materials for the media
Palta in brief
Service Sector Employers’ Association Palta is leading the way for digital transformation and for the future of the labour market. In our ever-changing, increasingly fast-paced world, we offer reliable facts, genuine labour market expertise and sophisticated political engagement skills to benefit the service economy and Finland as a whole.
Palta promotes the growth and competitive strength of service sector businesses by boosting the sector’s operational prerequisites and actively advocating for the sector. Palta is the second largest member union of the Confederation of Finnish Industries. We represent more than 2,000 members working in the service sector.
We represent more than 2,000 members in the service sector. Our members employ around 190,000 people.